
Japanese Animation

Hi how are you doing guys?

I want to talk about Japanese Animation.

I read chapter 2 which was about narratives.

You know Japanese animation or Manga are really famous in around the world.


I think Japanese animation is really big scale is huge.

In the text book, Todorov said every story has a biggining, a middle and an end.
In japan, we really focus on this theory and we call 起承転結 ”ki syou tenn ketsu."

起承転結 means 'Introduction, development, denouement and conclusion'

I think, this theory is grate, so that's why Japanese Animation is famous.

Do you know Naruto? This animation is really famous in around the world, especially in America.
I think this Animation is about Ninja which is Japanese culture. So people who live in other country can be easy to in interested in Naruto, I think.
How do you think Japanese Anima? Do you like Japanese Anima?

3 件のコメント:

  1. I love Japanese Animation...well I like to draw it...my little cousin is actually the one who got me into it. She's obsessed with Naruto (for quite a while she pretended to be the girl with the pink headband). One weekend we had a Naruto marathon and watched all the episodes. Lol. She's got almost all the novels and she would have me draw all the characters for her.

  2. Honestly I am a fan of Japanese animation as well. I guess first started watching it when shows like Dragonball and Ronin Warriors was being aired here in the US. I now watch several shows which does include the newer naruto series of Naruto Shippuden. What I really like is watching them in the original language with subtitles because to me the voice actors are far superior and there is just some sort of energy that is felt when watching the show in the rawest format that is possible when you do not understand the language being spoken and have to rely on subtitles.

  3. I am glad to hear that! I also love Japanese animation. and Pink headband name is Sakura lol
    I know Naruto is typical Japanese animation, but I hope you guys know Japanese culture by it, it is really grate thing!!
    I hope lot of people watch Japanese Animation, and Movies, and so on, and I also wanna watched other culture's!
