

It is final week! I alredy done a final without this class, because I have to go back to Japan this winter brake.
Do you beleave the alien? I beleave it because I watched Japanese TV show about alien.
It pick up that roswell UFO Incident.
it was the alleged recovery of extra terrestrial debris, including alien corpses, from an object which crashed near Roswell on about July 8 1947. the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and the subject of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of object which crashed. The United States military maintains that what was actually recoverd was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classfied program named Mogul. however, many UFO proponents maintain that in fact a crashed alien craft and bodies were recoverd, and that the military then engaged in a cover up.
I did not believe it but finally I beleave the alien.


thanks giving

did you eat turkey?
I did not eat it but I went to club and it was fun.
we do not have a such a culture so it is new thing for me.
Do you know shouwa school which is japanese school in boston.
they had a japanese festival, and teach japanese culture for visitor.
I went to there and sooo fun.
we will have an international party on December, so just come!
I will dance soranbushi which is japanese cultural dance!


iraq war

I watched about this video.
This war was big problem in Japan because we do not have the army but we have the self-defence force and it was dispatched to other country first time.
it should just defence Japan, but went to other country, it is really big problem.
and we could not find any weapon in iraq.
I think it was our falut for people who are living in iraq.



I am so tired because I worked last weekend..
I did not study american history in detail so when I watched TV show, it said really interesting.
it said that with the dream of finding vast stores of gold in the north American continent, the Spanish conquistadors launched expeditions from the west indies and Mexico in the 16 th century. to coronado, the explorer, the southwestern derserts were an arid hell, eventually reached the Grand Canyon at the height of summer's heat, but thirsty as they were, they could find no way to reach the cororado river, shimmering 1.6 kilometers below.
Is this famous story in here? and it is pretty sound stupid.



How are you guys?
Japanese people who are abroading to here have boston career folum this weekend.
I have internship there as NIKKEI newspaper that is Japanese company like Newyork times.

anyway you know Obama visited Japan and meet Hatoyama.
They talked about global warming and they declared that Japan and Obama reduced green house gas 80% 50 years later.
Do you think can we do that?
even compare with last year, greenhouse gas increase 4.3%.
How can we reduce it?
I hope we will make it!


news paper

I have not read newspaper from coming here, because of English.
However, recently, I read newspaper because I can get japanese one now.
It does to live up to my expectations.
I just know Obama visited Japan and he met Hatoyam who is president of Japan.
I am thrilled that what kind of communication they had.
I hope Japan and American relationship will be going well even our presidents changed.
I think we still have a lot of problem with our relationship but I love america, so I hope it will go well!



Register day is coming soon, but why that style was changed?
I mean, there is no book of classes for register right?
Every thing is on internet right now!

Anyway, in Japan, one thing is becoming problem which is blog.
Japanese talent who is just retired wrote about a lot of bad things of other talent.
However, her blog is becoming famous and gets money by advertising.
How do you think this problem?



Monday morning that nobody like come back today.
Do you know Matsui who is a baseball player, and he is playing yankees.
He became MVP this world serious!
It is first time that japanese player chosen.
we really proud of him.
Recently, bad news are too many, but I hope we will have a lot of good news like this!




blog is really global!



I think blog is really big power for our life.
In Japan, a lot of famous people are doing blog and get fans.
How about american famous people? are they doing blog?

Anyway, even if you are not famous people, a lot of people are doing blog right?
In Japan, some people are making good blog and get a money by it because of advertising.
Some company ask to attach their advertising on famous blog, and they pay to bloger.
Is this common in america?



American TV has more than one hundred cahnnels. On the other hand, Japanese TV has a just twelve channels. So many people are watching same channel, so Japanese people could get enfluence easily from TV show, and media can control our fashin and style. So I think it should be changed like American.



Do you know this site?
if U download keyhold, you can watch Japanese TV program on time by free.
Is this not copyright??
it is great for me to watch it here but this is illegal or not?



You know we have a lot of information about other country especially from Media right?
but I think some information is not true I think.
I went to the English school before going to BSC.
There a lot of international students and one italy person ask me that we never drink.
I love drinking!!
But she watched about old Japanese culture, and she thought we still has not changed.

it was mede mede me suprised. but I also have a image of other culture from Media.
it might not be true right?
I want to go other country and check my image is true!



How are you??
I m pretty tired to read text books. I should study English more an more.
When I got tired, I watched Japanese drama.
Thanks to internet, I could watch it by PC, haha.

However, my favorite dorama had a lot of bed scene. I think a lot of teenager watched this drama too.
how they think when they watch it?
Japan has a problem that age of the first experience is becoking earlier, and we think it is because of media.
they can get such a knowlege easily from TV, books and so on.
In Japan, we can buy pornographic magazines at convenience store.
it good for me but it is not good for young children...
Do you think we should change this style?


Japanese Movie

Hi, guys. I am really tired because watched two movies, Ring and The Ring.
Ring is really helpful for me because of Japanese, haha, but The Ring is ,,, shit! lol too fast to speak English!

anyway, I loved these movie, and I am really proud of ring was remaked by hollywood.

I hope you guys could know little Japanese culture from Japanese animation.
Do you know why Sadako wored white cloth?
Because, in Japan, the body is worn white cloth, that's why she wore it.

However, Hollywood remake really well! They changed american style from Japanese style, so I think it is easier to understand for Americans I think.

Did you find any fanny Japanese culture in Ring?
if you guys have any question of it, just ask me!!

have a good weekend♪


Japanese Animation

Hi how are you doing guys?

I want to talk about Japanese Animation.

I read chapter 2 which was about narratives.

You know Japanese animation or Manga are really famous in around the world.


I think Japanese animation is really big scale is huge.

In the text book, Todorov said every story has a biggining, a middle and an end.
In japan, we really focus on this theory and we call 起承転結 ”ki syou tenn ketsu."

起承転結 means 'Introduction, development, denouement and conclusion'

I think, this theory is grate, so that's why Japanese Animation is famous.

Do you know Naruto? This animation is really famous in around the world, especially in America.
I think this Animation is about Ninja which is Japanese culture. So people who live in other country can be easy to in interested in Naruto, I think.
How do you think Japanese Anima? Do you like Japanese Anima?



Hi. I did quiz1, but tewe was no submit icon again.. nnn,,, how should i do??

Anyway, do you know "BRICs"?
B means Brazil, R is Russia, I is India, and C is China.
I watched the Japanese TV program last night, and it said about this 'BRICs'.

It said that in 2030, developed nation, which is G7, U.S.A., Japanese, germany, U.K, France Canada, Italy, will be poorer than BRICs.
Right now, technology of BRICs is developed fast.
looooooong time, Japan was the best rich country in Asia, but last year, India became best country in Asia.

nnn, this is sounds bad ha?

Right now, the whole world is recession, and the biggest reason is U.S.A.
we developed nation may be overtaken immediately by BRICs unless we break this situation.


My first blog in English

This is my first time to have English blogs.
Oh, anyway, I am from Japan, Tokyo, Kei Uchiyama.
Last summer vacation, I went back to Japan almost 3 month, so I haven't use English for a while. I mean I forgot English, haha.

This is my first online class, so I am pretty nervous, but I will do my best for getting good grade.

Do you know Japanese leader changed? This is huge news in Japan right now, and recently, he called to Obama.
It was his first conversation with the president since his party defeated Japan’s long-governing incumbent party in Sunday’s landmark election.

How do you think Japan and America relationship will be well or not by changed japanese leader?