
China and Japan

Do you know China and Japan are becoming well frendships?

According Japanese media, BEIJING City authorities here, reacting to the row with Japan over the arrest of a Chinese trawler captaion, have called on local travel agencies to refrain from aggressively selling and promoting tours to Japan. The step appears to be a deliberate measure to express Beijing's displeasure with Tokyo.
Earlier, China shelved cabinetlevel contacts with Japan.

Japanese authorities arrested the Chinese trawler captain after he rammed two Japan coast Guard vessels in waters off the disputed senkakku Islands in the East Chiuna sea. The incident two weeks ago soured bilateral ties because both countries claim sovereignty over the islands, which chinese call Diaoyutai.

I hope Japan and China will be good frendship like Japan and America.

Japanese media do not say Chinese good thing, so I think that a lot of Japanese people have not good image of China. I know lot of graet chinese friends. I hope Japanese people will like Chinese.

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