
Japanese government

Do you know Japanese government is changing now. It was big news in Japan.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan stressed the need to manage his democratic Party of Japan as well as the government in a clean, "open and transparent" manner in his pledges for the DPJ presidential election, which he won tuesday.

pledging to run the ruling party in a "clean and open" manner and to enable all party lawmakers to exercise their abilities through the policy Research Committee, he also said party funds will be distributed to members in a "transparent" manner in constrast to the way in which his archrival Ichiro Ozawa, who heads the largest intraparty group, reportedly directed their distribution.

If Japanese government style would change. Japanese and U.S.A. frendship might change. I want to check what going on in Japan in the future.

2 件のコメント:

  1. First off, I hope I click on the write button to post this, since it is in Japanese :) Anyways, "open and transparent" is always the ideal in government but I am a bit skeptical about the implementation. I admittedly don't know much about Japanese government so maybe you could tell me the realisticness of this pledge?

  2. Your page is all Japanese. I can understand it, but others can't. You should change the language.
    I think American government doesn't pay attentnion to Japan very much. it is just my opinion, but please think about it.
    Recently, Chinese industry is developing more and more, so America pays attentnion more than Japan. Also, Japanese economy is bad now.
