

Wikis are also helpful in the workforce as well. They allow for good organization for things like employee information about a company and general company information. The only thing that I do not like about wiki's is the fact that they can be publicly editied. This could sometimes lead to false information about certain topics. I think that the site Wikipedia.com is helpful, and it gets a bad wrap. I have found the information on this site to be helpful on the whole, and have found pretty much everything on it to be accurate. I know many people say that it is not accurate, but I've never had that problem. I also like how it is always updated, so I can always be kept up to date with things that i'm interested in learning about.


Why aren’t more video games made for females? What are the social and cultural implications of this? What can video game producers do to change this

I think that females have a different mindset when it comes to video games. Gaming is definitely very "masculine". I kind of compare it to chick flicks. Men are generally not interested in watching cheesy romance movies, because it doesn't appeal to them. It's the whole men are from Mars, Women are from Venus notion. Men are attracted to certain entertainment values, as are women. When I was playing WOW, I found very few females that played the game. I think that violence has a lot to do with this. I think most females are turned off by violence, it's just in their nature in my opinion. Most girls like games that are fun loving, like family games that can be played casually. The system WII is a system that most females enjoy because the games are playful and family oriented. I also think that females get turned off by men overpopulating the gaming world. They feel like they are outnumbered and out of place, so they probably don't participate because they feel like they won't be accepted.



I read the article about the Editors. This article asked to the famous editors that "Do you believe that film editing should be invisible or visible toe the viewer?" This is the really interesting question. Most editors said "both" and "depends on the movie." However, Arthur Schmidt said that editing should be ivisible. He also said that most average viewers do not see what editor do. They think the editor just makes the movie shorter and the rest happens in the camera. Before studying editing, I also did not see what editors do. However, right now, when I am watching a movie, I naturally see what editors do, and try to learn from their work.


media language

I read the text book about language. This is pretty interesting. I think the FCC has changed their regulations in terms of what is appropriate language on TV. I hear words nowadays on TV and radio I have never heard before like the word "ass". That word is used, and I don't think it was ever used until recently. I'm not sure why bad language has broken a barrier on TV and radio, maybe we as a society are being desensitized to explicit words on TV and radio. I am sure there are many opinions on what is and is not acceptable language for TV and radio. I remember Imus when he said those dirty words about the girls basketball team. I thought that was definitely uncalled for! It was the right thing for him to get fired, because it sends a strong message that it just is not right to say offensive things on television. It's immoral and unethical.


I just watched Japanese drama, and this drama said about old women’s love. This drama said that why is that woman yearns for love? Andre jid once said; “To woman, men are not just any nail to hang love on. Therefore, not any nail is okay. They look for a nail good enough to discard everything else and hang their life’s love and soul, and in search of that nail, women are floundering about.” How do you think?



Recently, children's crime are increasing.

Four teenage boys were arrested Friday on suspicion of beating to death an 18-year-old youth at a park in Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture. Police said the bruised body of Yoshinori Fujita was found almost naked Thursday evening in a parking area of the city-run park.

The four, aged 16 to 19, who described themselves as ‘‘playmates’’ of Fujita’s, have admitted to assaulting him, police said, suspecting that some trouble may have occurred between them and the victim.

The boys, whose names were withheld as they are minors, allegedly caused injuries to Fujita’s whole body and left him to die in the parking area after the assault. But they have not said who landed which blows, according to police.

Fujita was found to have suffocated to death with blood from facial contusions blocking his airways, they said.


I read the text book

I read the text book about media, table on core american values.

I think it is interesting that that Shoemaker and Reese put this list together talking about what is important to most Americans. I think a list like this creates order to things concerning media. I thought the definition on Individualism was interesting. It states in the book that "Audiences like to hear about people who do things their own way, even against powerful odds". I think this is very much true because I think people enjoy seeing other people succeed in the most unusual circumstances. I think we enjoy inspiring stories as well as negativity. It is more interesting learning how someone succeeds or does good in life against what is expected of them. If they live life a different way, and still live an enjoyable life, we want to know what the secret was.



Do you know Japanese movie of 10 promise to my dog?

I just watched it! I cried a lot!

I also have a dog.

She is already 10 years old.

I think I have to save her mind, and health.

I said I want a dog, but I came here, so I can not see her now.

This movie said my dog is always my side in any case.

this is true.




I hope she will not die antil my dead.



When I was a kid, I think ads influenced me the most. I would watch a commercial for a certain toy, and then immediately want that toy either for my birthday or just to buy whenever. The toy never did measure up to how it was being shown on TV. The ad would make it seem like it was the coolest toy to have, but then after I had it for a few days, I would get bored with it. This was the case with food ads as well. The fast food looked so delicious on TV, but when I got it I was disappointed because it did not look like the food on TV. I think as a young child, I believe a lot of what TV was telling me, because I did not know any better. As I got older, I began to see the effects television has on people. We are always bombarded with fast food ads that show beautiful people eating the food, because these ads want you as a consumer to think that only beautiful people eat the food. This is the corrupt mindset the media has for children to follow.


How much do you use for media per year?

$770 cable subcription
$ 100 Buying individual magazines
&800 Newspaper subcription
$600 Buying text books
$500 Buying other books
$300 movie theater admissions
$50 renting movies
$100 Buying computer hardware
$200 Buying computer software
$480 subcrioption to computer
$400 playing video game at arcades
Total $4300
This number is unbeliebable to me! I thought I spent around $1000. However, I actually spend money for media almost same as tuition. It really suprised me. I spend money a year on text book and other book and newspapers. it is ok that I spend this much money, but I also spend money a year on video games, I think I should save my money.


The group for children

I found a group called Parents Television Council. This advocacy group is responsible for trying to get children to watch more educational programs on TV. They are not blaming parents, they are blaming TV networks for showing inappropriate and offensive programming to Children. This website goes on to explain how advertisers are the culprit for the the inappropriate programming because the advertisers are selling to so many people watching. They suck people into their ads, thus the channel becomes very popular. Media is to blame in this case, not the parents raising their kids. the media is making false statements about programming to lure young people in.



Do you think that media should (entertainment programming & advertising) be restricted on behalf of children?

this is the big topic in Japan. Recently, it is really easy to get information by TV, internet and mobile phone and so on. In Japan, children are involved in accidents, because of Media. For example, online dating site.
there are a lot of case that girls were killed and criminals were men who met by online dating service. in addition, children start to bully on the internet in recent years. each school has own mimic board, and anyone can write anything. so some children slander class mate on the mimic board. this is becoming big problem in Japan now. I think children should protect from media, but it is really difficult to protect from all media. So we should study about media from young age and they need to have skill to protect themselves from media.