
How much do you use for media per year?

$770 cable subcription
$ 100 Buying individual magazines
&800 Newspaper subcription
$600 Buying text books
$500 Buying other books
$300 movie theater admissions
$50 renting movies
$100 Buying computer hardware
$200 Buying computer software
$480 subcrioption to computer
$400 playing video game at arcades
Total $4300
This number is unbeliebable to me! I thought I spent around $1000. However, I actually spend money for media almost same as tuition. It really suprised me. I spend money a year on text book and other book and newspapers. it is ok that I spend this much money, but I also spend money a year on video games, I think I should save my money.

1 件のコメント:

  1. hahaha.
    It's incredible story!
    I also spend much money so I should save it.
