
Think about BSC students. Are they all identical? Or are there segments—several different groups of students that are clearly identifiable by how the

At BSU, the four groups that I have chosen to identify are "The Couch Kids," a group of kids who hang out at the RCC couches. They are there all day long playing games with each other and hanging out. "Athletics" - Before this year, I never realized there was a close knit group over at the gym. There are so many kids who major in Physical Education and Athletic Training. I'm taking three classes in that department this semester and there seems to be all of the same kids and they seem to all know each other. "Minorities" - Here at BSU, not all minorities conform, but with certain student groups on campus, it allows them to become close knit and hang out more. The final group: "The Older People" - BSU is a school that plenty of older people return to and try and get their degree. I have a friend who is now in the same class as her mom.

A) "The Couch Kids" - I think they would be torn on books and film. There are plenty of genres of books that appeal to them that match their appeal in movies.

"Athletics" - For sure would prefer film.

"Minorities" - I think that they would prefer film over books.

"The Older People" - Books.

B) "The Couch Kids" - From what I've witnessed, they would be into Pokemon-type shows; ones that are based on card games.

"Athletics" - These kids watch ESPN and all the games on Sunday.

"Minorities" - Anything on MTV

"The Older People" - HGTV

C) "The Couch Kids" - The talk-show comedies.

"Athletics" - Music, popular songs.

"Minorities" Music, popular songs as well.

"The Older People" - NPR mixed with other talk shows.

D) "Couch Kids" - Video game guides

"Athletics" - Sports Illustrated, ESPN The Magazine

"Minorities" - People, US Weekly

"The Older People" - Reader's Digest

E) "The Couch Kids" - Heavy Rock Metal bands

"Athletics" - Lady GaGa, Jason DeRulo

"Minorities" - Jay-Z, other popular Kiss 108 Music

"The Older People" - Their generation music, 70's & 80's/

F) As for other media, almost everyone is on Facebook. Even "The Older People" are now joining Facebook and check it often. They aren't all on Twitter yet, but its something that could possibly happen.

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