
my favorite TV shows

One of my favorite TV shows is South Park. On the most basic level of the literacy ladder it is seen as a comedic cartoon that revolves around the lives of four 4th graders. Some of the things they say are immature, degrading, or even racist. People who watch the show for just these reasons don't have a strong understanding for what the show is actually about. On the next level we see that it is definitely low budget but receives strong ratings. The show has been on TV for many seasons despite their profanity. On the highest level you start to understand that each episode has a deeper meaning than the events displayed. Most of the characters in South Park are supposed to represent the American population as a whole, as naive. The people of South Park are not media literate. But the four main characters are and they understand politics, religion, and many other common themes of the show. You also see that even though there is political and religious satire they don't do it to be malicious, they do it to test the media boundaries.


Learning Ladders

I read about Leearning Ladders on the text book. There are steps that allow us to improve our degree of media literacy based on four areas: cognitive, emotions, morality, and aesthetics. The emotional ladder caught my attention first because it discusses how ones emotions control them in the lowest level of development. Climbing the ladder to a higher level, people can use the media to shape their emotions. I also liked the part about the moral ladder. Opinion is a powerful force, but this ladder explains that at the highest level you look past individual characters in order to look at the overall narrative meaning.



I found it interesting to think about my own behaviors corresponding to my beliefs. If you believe and preach about something you must take action for it as well. Since learning more about the media the past couple years I definitely do not watch as much television as I used to. Also after watching "Outfoxed" last year for 229 I stopped watching anything on Fox. Now that I think of it though, I let the media influence me not to watch Fox as well...



One of my favorite films is the Godfather part II. When talking about the learning ladders in regards to this film, I am well aware of what this film is trying to express. I have a cognitive sense for how this film is structured so it is able to have more structural meaning to me. On an emotional level, I can feel myself connected with the main characters in the film, and it makes me feel like I am a part of what is going on. I guess I have an emotional attachment to the main characters. As far as the aesthetic appreciation ladder, I appreciate the visual presentation of the film. I like this film, but I think I am able to say why I like this film. I like it because it relates to my Italian culture, so it is very relatable to me.


Studying about media.

I think that by expanding my knowledge in terms of media, I will be able to make better decisions on the type of media I want to spend time with. I should probably try to access my media through a more variety of outlets. I may discover that I like these new media outlets better than the ones I am exposed to now. I usually attach myself to the things that I like, and I think that by trying new things, I may discover better solutions for my media exposure. I think I may try to read the newspaper more. I never have liked it before, but I think it may be a good idea to try and expand my mind to this type of media source.


Exposure States

I read about Exposure States, this is interesting. The fact that there are four different types of ways a person can be exposed to media messages is fascinating to me. Whether messages are filtered in through automatic state, attentional state, transported state, or self-reflexive state, each exposure is unique. I liked reading about how in the automatic state, people are exposed to messages but they are unaware that these messages are being filtered in. I still wonder how this works and it is interesting to know I have or I follow this exposure in my own life. I really liked the transported state because I know for a fact I have been exposed to media messages this way before. For example, I love going to the movies, and many times what is happening on the screen pulls me in and I lose myself in the action. I have “entered” the message. The way our mind and body work in relation to exposure to media messages is truly eye-opening. There is definitely much more happening inside our heads than we realize, and it is actually exciting to learn about.


Recognizing that media is not the sole cause of social changes, what cultural changes can you attribute, in part, to mediated violence?

I was asked this question on the Japanese TV show. With violence constantly being displayed on television, people may think that "lesser" types of violence are "ok" to committ. People are desensitized to the violence they are seeing, so they may be more inclined to commit acts of violence. I think that violence may also be comitted because of the confidence in the economy. People are losing faith in our economic system, so this may result in people doing acts of violence, like armed robberies, bank robberies, purse snatching, or other acts of cruelty.


I read the magazine of editor

I thought that Editor, cote really took care of the music and sound for programs after reading her interview. When I am editing the program, the choosing music and sound is difficult for me. I think that music pacing is also controlling the program pacing, so music pacing must be adjust to the program pacing. She said that cuts are helped with sound. I really agree with her. Last semester, I made the program just by music and sound. However that was really difficult, because the image have to be just fit to the music and sound. I cut image finely to fit to the music, so it took a long time to finish. I made graduation video this semester, and I used music and sound for the opening movie. I also really took care of the image to fit to the music. When I started to the editing, I still troubled that which music I should use. Music was not in my plan. So I used image and movie to fit to the music. I thought that I should use both for balance. I also want to work and cut the movie as editor in the future. She also had a lot of connection for getting job, so I also want to regard the connection as important.


What are the implications for female athletes of the money cycle in sports?

Female athletes are definitely looked at differently than male athletes, especially in the money cycle. We look at sports like football and baseball and see that they are male dominated, in both players and fans. The WNBA has grown to be a powerful commodity for female athletes; however, they do not get paid at all what male NBA players get paid. We see female athletes in tennis, volleyball, soccer, etc., but none of these sports are big money makers or have the viewer-ship that football or baseball does. The fact is many female athletes are looked at for their attractiveness much more over their abilities. Let us take tennis player Anna Kournikova, a very attractive athlete whose fame and money stemmed from her magazine layouts, like in Maxim and Sports Illustrated, and endorsements, but not as much from her talent. Danica Patrick is a very good race car driver, but she is known more for having a pretty face. Unfortunately, female athletes will never see the pay male athletes see.


Why are mostly male sports covered and aired on television and radio?

Male sports are covered because that is what gets the ratings. Women's basketball is aired on ESPN throughout the summer, but few people watch. However, a single NBA game is watched by millions of viewers. Sports serve as a source of enjoyment. When you are able to watch your team go out and compete every Sunday, you have a sense of pride when they win. When your team wins the championship, you feel like you have won the championship. Again, as bad as it sounds, women athletes don't produce the same product that male athletes do.


Does the “type” of violence (e.g., cartoon, sport, realistic) make a difference in the impact it has on the viewer?

The type of violence (sport, cartoon, realistic..) definitely makes a difference on the impact of the viewer. These categories all have different audiences and different age groups. Cartoons make it seem that there is lacking of consequences for violence. Children watching these programs will see that the violence is funny and think that there is no harm in acting this way. When there is extreme violence in sports consequences are usually shown, such as the violent team getting penalties or an individual getting thrown out of a game completely. Audiences who watch realistic violence over long periods of time will be less sensitive to what they see. This makes violence seem normal in television, movies, and even everyday life.


Think about BSC students. Are they all identical? Or are there segments—several different groups of students that are clearly identifiable by how the

At BSU, the four groups that I have chosen to identify are "The Couch Kids," a group of kids who hang out at the RCC couches. They are there all day long playing games with each other and hanging out. "Athletics" - Before this year, I never realized there was a close knit group over at the gym. There are so many kids who major in Physical Education and Athletic Training. I'm taking three classes in that department this semester and there seems to be all of the same kids and they seem to all know each other. "Minorities" - Here at BSU, not all minorities conform, but with certain student groups on campus, it allows them to become close knit and hang out more. The final group: "The Older People" - BSU is a school that plenty of older people return to and try and get their degree. I have a friend who is now in the same class as her mom.

A) "The Couch Kids" - I think they would be torn on books and film. There are plenty of genres of books that appeal to them that match their appeal in movies.

"Athletics" - For sure would prefer film.

"Minorities" - I think that they would prefer film over books.

"The Older People" - Books.

B) "The Couch Kids" - From what I've witnessed, they would be into Pokemon-type shows; ones that are based on card games.

"Athletics" - These kids watch ESPN and all the games on Sunday.

"Minorities" - Anything on MTV

"The Older People" - HGTV

C) "The Couch Kids" - The talk-show comedies.

"Athletics" - Music, popular songs.

"Minorities" Music, popular songs as well.

"The Older People" - NPR mixed with other talk shows.

D) "Couch Kids" - Video game guides

"Athletics" - Sports Illustrated, ESPN The Magazine

"Minorities" - People, US Weekly

"The Older People" - Reader's Digest

E) "The Couch Kids" - Heavy Rock Metal bands

"Athletics" - Lady GaGa, Jason DeRulo

"Minorities" - Jay-Z, other popular Kiss 108 Music

"The Older People" - Their generation music, 70's & 80's/

F) As for other media, almost everyone is on Facebook. Even "The Older People" are now joining Facebook and check it often. They aren't all on Twitter yet, but its something that could possibly happen.



I think that piracy is abused all the time, and it is almost impossible to know every time you are doing it. I think there are to many lawsuits concerning piracy. I realize that people have rights to certain parts of the media, but we can't avoid piracy completely. I do believe that piracy is bad for the economy. For example, the downloading of mp3's on the internet has basically shut down CD sales. Music stores have seen a rapid decline in sales due to people downloading free music online. This is true with films as well. I have seen a number of movie stores going out of business. I never see Blockbusters anymore, and hollywood video has also been in a steady decline. Piracy is definitely bad for the economy, but in most cases, it is hard to avoid completely.


What Can We Do To Protect Our Privacy

I went to the different websites that it told me to and searched for myself. They were able to match me right away. Though my age was off, they had my MySpace account I haven’t used in six years, they had links to The Comment, BSU’s student-run newspaper, to articles that I wrote. They had my parents names and my brothers name listed right on the page. My hometown, along with a censored version of my address was there. It also made me realize that I should be more careful in what I post online. Once it goes on the Internet, it’s there forever.


what do you think is going to happen to copyright law in our technological-based future?

I think that in order to move on with stricter copyright laws they must first define the differences of what is piracy and what isn't. After these are determined they can then make stricter laws. I think that is will be hard to enforce whatever they come up with because of developing technology all the time. Just as Limewire has been outlawed more free music sites will pop up. Just as it said in the book if restrictions are put on CD's and DVD's to make them only able to play on DVD players and CD players it will be a disadvantage for the average consumer but pirateers will soon enough find a way to break through the codes. So how successful it will be is unkown.



I searched for information about myself on the websites it told us to do so such as 123people.com and peekyou.com. I found that there is so much information up there that I have never even posted. It knew all my family members, address, phone number, age, and all my social networking site pages. Some information was wrong of course but it was really eye opening to see just how much access people have to each other on the internet.


Protecting Children From Unfair Advertising Practices.

I never knew that there were restrictions on the amount of commercials that could play during children's programming. It made sense that there would be restrictions on what couldn't be played, but it never dawned on me that a certain limit would be set. Another thing I found interesting was that it didn't stop certain companies. Viacom was cited for 600 violations and fined $1 million. I was astounded that the company, even though they blamed it on human error, would continue to try and break the rules.



I read text book about media.

"Cross-Ownership and Control" was the most interesting. I had heard of separate companies merging together to combine profit, but I did not know there were three different trends toward concentration. A horizontal merger, a vertical merger, and a conglomerate merger all deal with one media company joining together or buying out other media companies. I personally liked reading about the mega-mergers, which dealt with a lot of money and big name companies coming together. For example, Westinghouse Electric Corporation was a small railroad air brakes manufacturer that bought out CBS, a major television network. Time Warner and Turner Broadcasting completed a merger in 1995 and Disney acquired Marvel comics in 2009. All of these mergers were worth billions of dollars, which is unbelievable, but very interesting to read about.


Concept of media effects.


There are several opinions about media effects or not on the site.
Keiichi Saito said
that Media do not affect young children. Recently, people said that the number of the crime of the child are increasing because of media suich as video games. However, Keiichi Saito disagreed with this opinion because when he searched about the children who did the crime played video game or not. After survey, he can not say video game affect their crime.
This is difficult question. I think media affect young children. However, people start think that bad effects for children are from media. However, this is also media's responsibility. Media should gain support of people.



I think it is important for our culture to have a sense of sharing power and opinions within our institutions. We all need to feel we can contribute to a big change in our culture. We also feel the need to be a local part of media as well. We like to contribute to the sharing and well being of local media outlets. This is why there are regular people who call in to talk shows, because we can play a role in the media by being audience members. The FCC tries to take out the idea of localism because they regulate what we can and cannot say on radio and television. They block out certain inappropriate words on public TV and public radio. The FCC I feel has softened up a bit over the years, because words that were once illegal on radio and television, are now legal as I've observed.


Cutting Remarks on W.

When I read this chapter, I felt editors are really difficult job. Actually I do not know this movie and Oliver Stone, so this chapter was difficult to understand for me. Right now, when I am creating the movie, I am doing director, and editor. When I take a shooting, and do editing, I just doing my feeling. I do not hear other people’s opinion. However, real editors have to listen to ideas from directors, actors, and then editors always have to find the best bits of the story. In addition, book said editors discuss the editorial strategy and the layering of music and sound effects. Editors have a lot of job more than I thought. This book also said editors spend a lot of time with director, and felt his sense. Of course, directors often change their mind, but editors should be always open to ideas about structures. I do not have experience to edit with other people. However, when I will be an editor, I have to do it with someone, and have to listen to director’s opinion even I do not want to. So I think that it is really important to have good relationship with teammate for creating great film.


I read the text book.

I found it interesting that there was a lot more information on MySpace than Facebook in this chapter. Even though this book is extremely recent I have noticed a major decline in MySpace users and a major increase in Facebook users. I also found it interesting that they didn't have a segment on Twitter since it is also such a recent development. With increasing popularity on both of these sites I'm sure the next edition of Media Literacy will have to include more details on both of these social networking sites.


Do you know MMORPG?

This is on line game.

MMORPGs have a decent number of positive affects. One positive affect is the fact that MMORPGs have a place for everyone. There are different types of these games and it seems as though no matter what game you play, you can find your crowd. It allows people to enjoy themselves with something that they don't have to share with people in their life. On the flip side, that can also be viewed as a negative. Though you can meet people from all over the world, you seem to fall in a trap. Though not all players, but a certain amount of World of Warcraft players seem very addicted. They spend incredible amounts of money to play these games because they have crossed the line of reality and fantasy. They start believing that the online game is their real life and that is really them. They start losing contact with people and the games can ruin lives.



Wikis are also helpful in the workforce as well. They allow for good organization for things like employee information about a company and general company information. The only thing that I do not like about wiki's is the fact that they can be publicly editied. This could sometimes lead to false information about certain topics. I think that the site Wikipedia.com is helpful, and it gets a bad wrap. I have found the information on this site to be helpful on the whole, and have found pretty much everything on it to be accurate. I know many people say that it is not accurate, but I've never had that problem. I also like how it is always updated, so I can always be kept up to date with things that i'm interested in learning about.


Why aren’t more video games made for females? What are the social and cultural implications of this? What can video game producers do to change this

I think that females have a different mindset when it comes to video games. Gaming is definitely very "masculine". I kind of compare it to chick flicks. Men are generally not interested in watching cheesy romance movies, because it doesn't appeal to them. It's the whole men are from Mars, Women are from Venus notion. Men are attracted to certain entertainment values, as are women. When I was playing WOW, I found very few females that played the game. I think that violence has a lot to do with this. I think most females are turned off by violence, it's just in their nature in my opinion. Most girls like games that are fun loving, like family games that can be played casually. The system WII is a system that most females enjoy because the games are playful and family oriented. I also think that females get turned off by men overpopulating the gaming world. They feel like they are outnumbered and out of place, so they probably don't participate because they feel like they won't be accepted.



I read the article about the Editors. This article asked to the famous editors that "Do you believe that film editing should be invisible or visible toe the viewer?" This is the really interesting question. Most editors said "both" and "depends on the movie." However, Arthur Schmidt said that editing should be ivisible. He also said that most average viewers do not see what editor do. They think the editor just makes the movie shorter and the rest happens in the camera. Before studying editing, I also did not see what editors do. However, right now, when I am watching a movie, I naturally see what editors do, and try to learn from their work.


media language

I read the text book about language. This is pretty interesting. I think the FCC has changed their regulations in terms of what is appropriate language on TV. I hear words nowadays on TV and radio I have never heard before like the word "ass". That word is used, and I don't think it was ever used until recently. I'm not sure why bad language has broken a barrier on TV and radio, maybe we as a society are being desensitized to explicit words on TV and radio. I am sure there are many opinions on what is and is not acceptable language for TV and radio. I remember Imus when he said those dirty words about the girls basketball team. I thought that was definitely uncalled for! It was the right thing for him to get fired, because it sends a strong message that it just is not right to say offensive things on television. It's immoral and unethical.


I just watched Japanese drama, and this drama said about old women’s love. This drama said that why is that woman yearns for love? Andre jid once said; “To woman, men are not just any nail to hang love on. Therefore, not any nail is okay. They look for a nail good enough to discard everything else and hang their life’s love and soul, and in search of that nail, women are floundering about.” How do you think?



Recently, children's crime are increasing.

Four teenage boys were arrested Friday on suspicion of beating to death an 18-year-old youth at a park in Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture. Police said the bruised body of Yoshinori Fujita was found almost naked Thursday evening in a parking area of the city-run park.

The four, aged 16 to 19, who described themselves as ‘‘playmates’’ of Fujita’s, have admitted to assaulting him, police said, suspecting that some trouble may have occurred between them and the victim.

The boys, whose names were withheld as they are minors, allegedly caused injuries to Fujita’s whole body and left him to die in the parking area after the assault. But they have not said who landed which blows, according to police.

Fujita was found to have suffocated to death with blood from facial contusions blocking his airways, they said.


I read the text book

I read the text book about media, table on core american values.

I think it is interesting that that Shoemaker and Reese put this list together talking about what is important to most Americans. I think a list like this creates order to things concerning media. I thought the definition on Individualism was interesting. It states in the book that "Audiences like to hear about people who do things their own way, even against powerful odds". I think this is very much true because I think people enjoy seeing other people succeed in the most unusual circumstances. I think we enjoy inspiring stories as well as negativity. It is more interesting learning how someone succeeds or does good in life against what is expected of them. If they live life a different way, and still live an enjoyable life, we want to know what the secret was.



Do you know Japanese movie of 10 promise to my dog?

I just watched it! I cried a lot!

I also have a dog.

She is already 10 years old.

I think I have to save her mind, and health.

I said I want a dog, but I came here, so I can not see her now.

This movie said my dog is always my side in any case.

this is true.




I hope she will not die antil my dead.



When I was a kid, I think ads influenced me the most. I would watch a commercial for a certain toy, and then immediately want that toy either for my birthday or just to buy whenever. The toy never did measure up to how it was being shown on TV. The ad would make it seem like it was the coolest toy to have, but then after I had it for a few days, I would get bored with it. This was the case with food ads as well. The fast food looked so delicious on TV, but when I got it I was disappointed because it did not look like the food on TV. I think as a young child, I believe a lot of what TV was telling me, because I did not know any better. As I got older, I began to see the effects television has on people. We are always bombarded with fast food ads that show beautiful people eating the food, because these ads want you as a consumer to think that only beautiful people eat the food. This is the corrupt mindset the media has for children to follow.


How much do you use for media per year?

$770 cable subcription
$ 100 Buying individual magazines
&800 Newspaper subcription
$600 Buying text books
$500 Buying other books
$300 movie theater admissions
$50 renting movies
$100 Buying computer hardware
$200 Buying computer software
$480 subcrioption to computer
$400 playing video game at arcades
Total $4300
This number is unbeliebable to me! I thought I spent around $1000. However, I actually spend money for media almost same as tuition. It really suprised me. I spend money a year on text book and other book and newspapers. it is ok that I spend this much money, but I also spend money a year on video games, I think I should save my money.


The group for children

I found a group called Parents Television Council. This advocacy group is responsible for trying to get children to watch more educational programs on TV. They are not blaming parents, they are blaming TV networks for showing inappropriate and offensive programming to Children. This website goes on to explain how advertisers are the culprit for the the inappropriate programming because the advertisers are selling to so many people watching. They suck people into their ads, thus the channel becomes very popular. Media is to blame in this case, not the parents raising their kids. the media is making false statements about programming to lure young people in.



Do you think that media should (entertainment programming & advertising) be restricted on behalf of children?

this is the big topic in Japan. Recently, it is really easy to get information by TV, internet and mobile phone and so on. In Japan, children are involved in accidents, because of Media. For example, online dating site.
there are a lot of case that girls were killed and criminals were men who met by online dating service. in addition, children start to bully on the internet in recent years. each school has own mimic board, and anyone can write anything. so some children slander class mate on the mimic board. this is becoming big problem in Japan now. I think children should protect from media, but it is really difficult to protect from all media. So we should study about media from young age and they need to have skill to protect themselves from media.



I wanna be an Editor! I just read cutting rhytms in Chicago and Cabaret, I learned a lot of things. I noticed that cutting rhythms is really important for our work. Cutting rhythms can easy change movement of story, movement of emotion, and movement of imaga. Of course, music, performer, camera work are important for a film, but the work is apt to be influenced by the editor's technique. I want to be an editor, so it is souds good. Last semester, I really worry about cutting rhytms especially for the final project. I created a human beat box, but all the time, I always think "Is this rhym alright? It is too short? It is fun? Does the work give any emotion to people?" I really worried about these things. However after watching my work, my great professor said the all my cutting had meaning even though it was short. I remember that I was really glad to hear that. I will create a graduation video, as a kind of documentary. I will use a lot of stuff, such as shots, pictures, music and interview. I want to focus on cutting rhythms, when I create this project. I want to give them this project after I finish, so I want to make an impression. In addition, I want them to watch this again ten years later and if they think it is a well done video, I will be really happy.


Do you guys use twitter?

Twitter is really famous in Japan now.
Despite the fact that Twitter is in English, we continue to see exciting growth from all over the world. Japan, in particular shows a very strong and growing demand for Twitter services.
To support continued growth in Japan, Twitter has formed a partnership with Digital Garage to create the official Twitter Japan service. As part of this arrangement, Digital Garage has made an investment in Twitter, Inc and will commit engineering and other development resources to help us bring Twitte to Japan.
Most my friends have twitter. Also, Japanese companies use twitter for business.
I think this is big media for our live, and our media are changing.


China and Japan

Do you know China and Japan are becoming well frendships?

According Japanese media, BEIJING City authorities here, reacting to the row with Japan over the arrest of a Chinese trawler captaion, have called on local travel agencies to refrain from aggressively selling and promoting tours to Japan. The step appears to be a deliberate measure to express Beijing's displeasure with Tokyo.
Earlier, China shelved cabinetlevel contacts with Japan.

Japanese authorities arrested the Chinese trawler captain after he rammed two Japan coast Guard vessels in waters off the disputed senkakku Islands in the East Chiuna sea. The incident two weeks ago soured bilateral ties because both countries claim sovereignty over the islands, which chinese call Diaoyutai.

I hope Japan and China will be good frendship like Japan and America.

Japanese media do not say Chinese good thing, so I think that a lot of Japanese people have not good image of China. I know lot of graet chinese friends. I hope Japanese people will like Chinese.


Do you know Japan and China are not going well

China has blocked all exports of rare earths to JaPAN, STEPPING up the pressure on Tokyo to release a Chinese boat captain detained in disputed waters, a repot said thursday.
China has halted all shipments to Japan of the chemical elements essential for the making of mp3 players. electric cars, missiles and a range of other products, the New York Times reported, citing unnamed industry sources.
Calls to China's commerce and foreign ministries for comment on the report went unanswered.
Japan's foreign ministry and the world's top automaker Toyota -- one of many companies that would be affected by the move -- also did not answer calls.
Japan and China are embroiled in their worst diplomatic row in years, sparked by the captain'
s arrest following the September 7 collision of his trawler with two Japanese coastguard vessels in the East China sea.
Chinese premier wen Jiabao this week threatened "further action" if the captain was not released. Beijing has already suspended high-level contacts with Tokyo and called off several official visits.

China supplies at least 95 percent of the world's rare earths. It had preveiously cut its export limit for the minerals, sending market prices soaring and sparking concerns among foreign governments and comapnies.
Last month, before the row erupted, Japan had urged China announced in July that it planned to reduce global shipments.
previous media reports said the country was considering even banning the export of certain elements and closing mines, which foreign companies and governments fear will deny them access to the much-needed metals and force manufacturers to shift their plants to China.


Do you think Japanese government is good?

Prime Minister Naoto Kan pledged Wednesday during a U.N. summit on eradicating poverty that Tokyo will offer a total of $8.5 billion over five years from 2011 to help improve the health of mothers and babies as well as education services in poor countries.

In a speech to the summit on the U.N. Millennium Development Goals on poverty reduction in New York, the premier unveiled Japan's news initiatives in the area of health and education, where progress on the goals set in 2000 for achievement in 2015 lags far behind other sectors. Kan said Tokyo will implement policies to achieve the healthrelated MDGs in line with his goal of realizing "a society in which human suffering is reduced to a minimum" through efforts to alleviate sources of misery, such as diseases, poverty and conflicts. He has advocated the slogan domestically.


Japanese economic change a lot!

Japanese and Australian stock futures fell as the dollar weakend against the yen after the U.S. Federal Reserve said it is willing to ease monetary policy, and as oil and metal prices dropped. Ameridcan depositary receipts of Toyota Motor Corp., a Japanese carmaker that gets about 70 percent of its sales abroad, lost 0.6 percent from the closing share price in Tokyo as the stronger yen cut the outlook for export earnings. those of Mitsubishi Corp., Japan's biggest commodities trader, slid 0.3 percent ADRs of BHP billing Ltd., the world's No/1 mining company and Australia's largest oil producer, slid 0.4 percent from the closing share price in Sydney.



Japan's bold strike to weaken its currency on Wednesday sent the yen tumbling more than 3.0 percent against the U.S. dollar. but unsettled allies who feared the unilateral move may complicate efforts to restore balanced global economic growth. Japan unleashed waves of yen selling, estimated at more than $20 billion, which spread from Tokyo through New York trading. The sales, conducted alone without help from its group of Seven partners, are expected to continue in the days ahead...


Japanese government

Do you know Japanese government is changing now. It was big news in Japan.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan stressed the need to manage his democratic Party of Japan as well as the government in a clean, "open and transparent" manner in his pledges for the DPJ presidential election, which he won tuesday.

pledging to run the ruling party in a "clean and open" manner and to enable all party lawmakers to exercise their abilities through the policy Research Committee, he also said party funds will be distributed to members in a "transparent" manner in constrast to the way in which his archrival Ichiro Ozawa, who heads the largest intraparty group, reportedly directed their distribution.

If Japanese government style would change. Japanese and U.S.A. frendship might change. I want to check what going on in Japan in the future.


Hi class!

This is my first post for 229 class!
My name is Kei Uchiyama from Japan!
I was in Japan during summer vacation so I has not used English almost 4 month! I forget English...

blog is interesting! everyone can write, read, comment. we can read every blogs if we can read all language. In Japan, most famous peple have blogs, and use for business. The number of the access of the blog is the important for famous people. If somebody become number one of the blog, it would be big news in Japan. Is that same as in America?